Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Post surgery updates...

The days following surgery were pretty low key. Connor did a lot of resting and relaxing. Since he is wearing a foam wedge strapped to his legs instead of his brace, he is not very mobile. We should receive his brace back tomorrow and keeping our fingers crossed that it is a good fit for him. Our first trip to PT this week consisted of a baseline of measurements. They want to see where his ROM is with the Ex Fix off. Most measurements were great, some were hindered due to his knee not being able to bend because of his femur bone. More PT updates to follow soon. 


Connor seems to be feeling well. Amazing that all he has needed, on occasion, is Tylenol. He says his pin sites are just tender and sore to touch. Taking the adhesives off for showering was an adventure for all. The adhesives were sticking to the wounds quite a bit. However, the time frame for showering is significantly quicker. (Looking forward to a lower water bill next month ;-)). Once we soaked the adhesives in the shower, it did seem to help a bit. It is incredible to see, in 2-3 days short days, the pin sites were scabbed over. Very little oozing or bleeding. We will continue to cover the sites for the rest of this week.
He is thoroughly enjoying his belly time and wearing his regular pants again.

1 comment:

  1. I am so amazed that Tylenol is all he needed....what a strong boy he is!! And quite honestly, the whole showering thing made me a little queasy so props to mom for her strength in dealing with that situation too!! :)
