Saturday, February 15, 2014

Post Surgery Update!

Connor's surgery went well today. Dr. Standard was VERY pleased with his hip. The X-rays showed the femoral head in a "beautiful rounded shape" (per Dr. Standard's words). He stressed that the next few months of PT are very crucial in gaining ROM (Range Of Motion) back in the hip. By doing this, it will help keep the shape looking good and healing well. The knee will continue to be stubborn at this point. Once the Dr. started to remove the pins, he noticed the lower pin, closest to the knee, was loose. This caused the pin hole in the bone to be larger. Typically, during surgery, the Surgeon will bend the knee and loosen it up to give the knee a good head start. Since his pin hole was larger and weak, there is a greater risk of breaking his femur if too much pressure is placed on it. Therefore, the surgeon did not bend his knee. Over the next few weeks, Dr. Standard advised that we, and PT, do gentle exercises with the knee and more focus on the hip's ROM. He stated that the knee will still bounce back but we need to let the femur bone heal for now, which could take 4 more wks.
 The new brace needs some minor adjustments before Connor can start to wear it. In the meantime, he has an "A" frame wedge that he lays with. He has already been able to bend over and touch his toes without pain, something he has not been able to do for 9 months.
I appreciate everyone who has reached out to us by text, email, phone calls, and fb. We appreciated your thoughts and prayers today and everyday.

Here is the first thing Connor did when he got home. Finally, lay comfortably on his stomach.


  1. That is sheer bliss... amazing healing... great news!

  2. Great update....and great pic! Boy, isn't that something we all take for granted....touching our toes without pain or laying on our belly. Lookin' good Connor!
