Friday, February 28, 2014

Out with February and onto March!

Did you know that Feb. 28th is Rare Disease Day? Who knew? So I only felt that it was appropriate to post an entry on this special day in honor of Connor and all his 'Perthes' friends whom we have had the pleasure to meet. You are the bravest and strongest kiddos that I have ever been around. You have reminded us that the little things in life are the best, to slow down and embrace each day.
Connor ended his 2 week intense PT sessions today. The therapists are very happy with his progression over the last 2 weeks. He has graduated to 3x a week starting Monday, March 3rd. We will continue to travel to Baltimore through the end of March. We received the green light from the therapists to transition PT to Hershey Pediatric Rehabilitation services, starting in April. Homebound Instruction will continue through March. A special thank you to Mrs. Oakley, Connor's tutor, for being so flexible with our schedule and helping him continue to grow. Our hope is Connor will start school in April. He had the opportunity to attend Culture Night at school last evening. It was so great for him to be back in the school atmosphere and hang around many friends.  One of the highlights for Connor was seeing his current teacher, Mrs. Patterson. He was so happy to see her and embrace her with a hug!


  1. Maybe there won't be snow on the ground by the end of April! Hey, all these snow days means Connor didn't miss as much school as you thought!

  2. way to go Connor...keep making forward progress and soon this will all be behind you!!
